Whether you’re a beer connoisseur or simply appreciate a good local brew, the Triangle is home to countless local microbreweries making beers for every adult beverage consumer’s tastes and preferences.
Microbreweries are defined as a brewery that produces fewer than six million barrels per year. There are many reasons for their sudden growth and success, but what is clear is that they are not going anywhere. Local supports local, and thus most local brews are distributed and available at local hotspots such small owned businesses like bars, restaurants and taverns.
As stated, the Triangle is home to dozens of microbrews and more keep popping up every day! Here are just a few of the more popular ones (in no particular order):
We spoke with the Margo Metzger, the Executive Director at the North Carolina Craft Brewers Guild and she said “North Carolina is not only one of the fastest growing states in the nation for craft brewing, but it's also becoming known for creative and innovative beer styles. With more than 150 breweries open now and 30 more expected to open in the next year, the future is very bright for this industry that already contributes $1.2 billion annually in economic impact to the state."
Microbrews and local craft beers are also a great way to impress out-of-towners. If you have any guests coming in from out of town and they request something local…look no further than a microbrewery. Whether to take your guests to the brewery itself or provide the local brews at your event or in your home, they are sure to be impressed with the taste.
If you’re looking for bikini-clad models handing out free bottles of beer, microbrews are probably not for you. However, if you are looking for beers that are full in flavor and unique tastes, that are also carefully crafted by a cicerone (fancy word for beer connoisseur) who dedicates their life and career to the brewing of the perfect beer, then you’ll want to look into microbreweries and their selection of craft beers.