Why do we celebrate National Beer Day and why is it on April 7? The answer is quite logical, unlike those other “national holidays” like National Martini Day, that don’t have a historical origin. On March 23, 1933 President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Cullen-Harrison Act, enacted on April 7th. It allowed the brewing and sale of beer in the United States again as long as it was < 3.2% (4% ABV). It's said that people waited in line overnight on April 6th outside Milwaukee breweries in order to legally buy beer for the first time in over 13 years. In the first 24-hours after Roosevelt signed on the dotted line over 1.5 million barrels of beer were consumed. The reason April 7 is National Beer Day and not National Alcohol Day is that prohibition did not officially end until December 5th later that year so beer had to do until then.
Why celebrate National Beer Day? It’s not just another excuse to drink a beer (as if you really needed one), it’s a time to celebrate our right to consume alcohol legally and to support our economy. Beer has more than just delicious and refreshing, there are actual economical, logical and historical reasons why beer and drinking it is such a big deal. Beer is extremely beneficial to the economy, no lie! More than 2 million Americans earn their livelihoods thanks to beer. This includes farming grains, working in retail outlets that sell beer and the physical brewing of beer. These and many other aspects that go into beer brewing and sales brings a total of $79 billion in wages and benefits annually. Talk about supporting the economy!